Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Bettendorf -> Solar radiation 15.08

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Solar radiation map on 15.08

The solar radiation layers are simulations of solar radiation based on the Digital Surface Model. The simulation considers the topographic situation (surrounding, slope, exposition) as well as time-based variation of the sun radiation for a specific geographic location. The result is a raster visualization of the sun duration per pixel (with 1 m ground resolution). The simulation is configured to return the sun hours per pixel for a given day. Currently 3 days were calculated: 15/02 (winter), 15/05 (spring) and 15/08 (summer).

The solar radiation analysis is based on the solar radiation toolset of the ESRI ArcMap toolbox. A detailed documentation can be found in the corresponding documentation by ESRI: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.6/tools/spatial-analyst-toolbox/area-solar-radiation.htm

ESRI Documentation

The analysis used the following parameters:

- Input raster: Digital Surface model provided by the Administration de la navigation aérienne (ANA) based on a LiDAR flight from 2017. (DSM available here : https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/digital-surface-model-high-dem-resolution/ )

- Latitude : 49.46 °

- Time configuration : Time Within a day (for 3 dates: 15/02 winter, 15/05 spring and 15/08 summer)

- Hour interval: 0.5 – The solar radiation was calculated in 30 min. intervals and summed up per day.

- Slope and aspect input : The slope and aspect rasters are calculated from the input digital surface model

- Calculation directions: 32, which is adequate for a complex topography.

- Diffuse proportion : 0.3 for a generally clear sky conditions.

- Transmittitivity : 0.5 for a generally clear sky.

- Output raster: The result is an output raster representing the duration of direct incoming solar radiation.

solar radiation,  urban farming
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